供應商的選擇 (Supplier Selection)


目錄 (Table of Contents)

序號      主題                                                                                                                          頁碼

1.0        簡介 (Introduction)                                                                                                        3

供應商的選擇 (Supplier Selection)

2.0        文件 (Documentation and Forms)                                                                                  3

3.0        對高品質的承諾 (Commitment to Excellence)                                                                  3

4.0        對供應商的要求 (Supplier Requirements)                                                                        3

5.0        客戶/與供應商的關係 (Customer / Supplier Relationships)                                                3

6.0        聯系信息 (Contact Information)                                                                                      4

7.0        對供應商的評估與選擇 (Supplier Assessment and Selection)                                           4

供應商資格認證 (Supplier Qualification)

8.0        首件加工 (First Article Process)                                                                                      4

9.0        首件標準書 (First Article Requirements sheet)                                                                 5

9.1        控制計劃 (Control Plans)                                                                                               5

9.2        加工流程圖 (Process Flow Charts)                                                                                 5

9.3        模式分析 (Failure Mode Effects Analysis)                                                                5

9.4        材質安全證明書 (Material Safety Data Sheets)                                                                5

9.5        包裝運輸標準 (Packaging and shipping requirements)                                                     5

9.6        進出口報關文件 (Customs and Export Documentation)                                                   6

9.7        對加工能力的要求 (Process Capability Requirements)                                                     6

9.7.1           對一模多穴的要求 (Multiple cavity molds or tooling)                                                    6

9.7.2           X-Bar and R管制圖 (X-Bar and R Charts)                                                                   6

9.7.3           性能參數的加工能力 (Attribute data process capability)                                               6

9.8        測量系統分析(MSA) (Measurement System Analysis)                                                       6

9.9        尺寸和外觀檢測 (Dimensional and Visual Inspection)                                                       7

9.10.0      材質,性能,表面處理和其他測試結果(Material, Performance, Finish, and other test results)   7

10.0      産品推行總結 (Production Run Validation)                                                                      7

監控/持續改善 (Monitor / Continual Improvement)

11.0       糾正/預防措施 (Corrective / Preventative Action)                                                             7

12.0      臨時偏差申請 (Temporary Deviation Notice)                                                                    7

13.0      供應商出貨和進貨 (Supplier Dock to Stock)                                                                    8

14.0      圖紙和規格書控制 (Drawing / Specification Control)                                                        8

15.0      委託資産 (Consigned Assets)                                                                                        8

16.0      供應商發展 (Supplier Development)                                                                               8

16.1          總體看法 (Overview)                                                                                                  8

16.2          過程測量 (Process Management)                                                                               8

16.3          性能改善 (Performance Improvement)                                                                        9

17.0      保證書和可追溯性 (Warranty and Traceability)                                                                 9

18.0      定義 (Definitions)                                                                                                         10

19.0      參考文件 (Reference)                                                                                                    11

20.0      附錄 (Appendix)                                                                                                           12

SQM – 05/2005                                               2                                                          Rev. 1

PA12 TR90副牌料,PA12 TR90原料,PA12 TR90水口料,PA12 TR90改性料,PA12 TR90眼镜料,电话0769-87795123
版权所有:东莞市双帮塑胶原料有限公司    网址:http://www.pa12tr90.com/