Question問題 |
Yes 是 |
No 不 |
Comment/Action Required說明/所需措施 |
Person Responsible 責任人 |
Due date 截止日期 |
1 |
Does the flow chart illustrate the sequence of Production and inspection atations? 流程圖是否說明了生產和檢查地點的順序? |
是 |
流程圖是否按生產和檢查地點的順序編寫的 |
2 |
Were all the appropriate FMEAs available and used as aids to develop the process flow chart? 是否所有適當的FMEA可以利用和幫助開發過程流程圖? |
是 |
流程圖的“變異特性”利用FMEA的“失效模式” |
3 |
Is the flowchart keyed to product and process checks in the control plan? 流程圖是否在控制計畫中寫入了產品和過程檢查? |
是 |
所有的經驗及標準都寫入流程圖中 |
4 |
Does the flow chart describe how the product will move ,I.e.,roller conveyor,slide containers,etc.? 流程圖中是否描述了產品是如何移動的,即,滾子,傳送帶,滑動容器等? |
否 |
產品的移動在作業標準書中進行了描述 |
5 |
Has the pull system/optimization been considered for this process? 在這一過程是否考慮了拖動系統/最佳化設計? |
是 |
物料的搬運及包裝成品的轉移採用了叉車及小車 |
6 |
Have pronisions been made to identify and inspect reworked products before being used? 是否制定有規定描述了在使用之前應確認和檢查返工產品? |
是 |
航行標準書B024之3.14及3.15有作規定 |
7 |
Have potential quality problems due to handling and outside processing been identified and corrected? 由於搬運和外委過程造成的潛在品質問題是否被確認和糾正? |
是 |
按客戶要求進行包裝 |
Revision Date
Prepared By:
PA12 TR90副牌料,PA12 TR90原料,PA12 TR90水口料,PA12 TR90改性料,PA12 TR90眼镜料,电话0769-87795123 | |